Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wash your mouth out with SOPA

Just a thought: the two videos I linked in my January 17th post, as well as any reference to anything else of cultural relevance that I've made in this entire blog, could be grounds to shut it down without due process, if either of the SOPA or PIPA bills under consideration now in Congress pass.  One of my favorite references to this fact from today is this one*, which I could also be shut down for referencing, if these bills pass.  See where I'm going with this?

So while I'm clearly blathering on through many other sites' blackout today, that doesn't mean I'll always be able to (and more importantly, potentially, for you, that you'll always be able to) unless we raise our congresspeople's awareness of the big precipice they could be pulling us all over, if they don't think more closely about what they're doing.

* (some potentially inappropriate but not explicit cartoon representations, as well as a dirty word or two. tbyc™!)

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