Tuesday, February 07, 2012

Well, the Elizabethans WERE a pushy bunch…

So, even all of the obvious drawbacks to having a "cone of shame", the dog has discovered one distinct advantage: It herds us by bonking into our legs if we're not moving fast enough for it.

You stopped in the kitchen to get a snack, on your way to let it out the back door?  Bonk! to the shin.

You're puttering around wondering what you forgot, before taking it out for a walk? Bonk! to the knee.

You're standing in front of the food bowl, without filling it? Bonk! to the back of the calf.

What have we done?!?  I'm not sure whether the dog will miss its new "limb" when it comes off, or just forgive us because the return of peripheral vision will be so wondrous.  Time will tell…

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