Saturday, February 18, 2012

I get the Message…

More techie stuff.  Hopefully I'll have more funny stuff to post sometime soon.  Who knows, maybe I'll even have funny techie stuff at some point.  Or maybe I just lost half my audience by saying so.  My recommendation is to stay tuned, but it's a big Internet, so you'll do what you want.

Anyway, I installed Apple's Messages beta for the Mac (Apple, I suppose, showing off one of the many features that will come in 10.8 "Mountain Lion" sometime late this summer.  Mostly, I did so out of curiosity, because hey, if there's a public release on a new feature, why not check it out?  It's designed to cover not only what iChat always has, but add in the iMessages service for use in communicating by short text message and/or chat, with iOS 5 (and up) devices.  Cool.

Still, I'm not much of a chat user at home.  At work it's near-constant, because that's one of the many ways our business gets done.  But at home, it's generally a phone call, a FaceTime session, an email, or one or two brief iMessages or texts.  With regard to those last two, it's usually not an extended back-and-forth unless both/all parties have time, when, if it's between home and somewhere else, you can't always expect.

Still, curiosity overrode that, and I happen not to be running 10.7 "Lion" at work for various reasons that aren't worth going into here.  So on my home Mac it was.

First, there was some difficulty choosing which AppleID to use.  For FaceTime via the computer in the past, I've used a different AppleID than the one I use on the iPhone for FaceTime and/or iMessages.  That's partially to keep it all straight for myself.  I have no doubt that Apple could figure out how to get communication to the device I'm closest to (perhaps several of them), but I like want to do it my way, for now.

I found there was no way to set up a second AppleID in Messages for the Mac, once the first one had been set up.  And that AppleID, once entered, couldn't be changed.  There was no problem adding or removing other chat services, but only one AppleID was ever able to be associated with it, so you'd better choose wisely from the start.  For those of us individuals or families who want or need to use multiple AppleIDs from one user account on the computer for any reason at all, that's pretty limiting right there.

So, feeling I was finished with my experiment, I was glad to see that Apple had thought to put in an "Uninstall Messages" link under the Application menu.  When I clicked on it, I was further happy to see that the next window said it would reinstall iChat.  So I followed the directions to allow it to do so (it was apparently re-downloaded, but not from any link I've been able to find anywhere on the web or the Mac App Store).

Unfortunately, the app it installed was non-functional (would not start), and had a generic icon.  To make matters worse, it wouldn't let me trash it & re-install from a previous copy I had had the foresight to zip, because the non-functional copy was "used by the system", and there was no way to authenticate around it.

So I decided it was lucky I had backed up to Time Machine just before install Messages for the Mac, because while it would take a while (and I could hopefully let it happen overnight), I could restore to my most full system recent backup & be on my way.

Well, an admittedly separate problem (and therefore not the Mountain Lion/Messages for the Mac development team's problem, necessarily… unless any of the code or people are related) came to be that my backup was somehow corrupted, such that once installed, the Mac would only boot to a spinner with a dark grey apple on a light grey screen.  Such corruption happens from time to time, and Lion had even warned me a few times (something 10.6 "Snow Leopard" never did) that it needed to scrap the old backup and start a new one to maintain integrity or whatever (not the dialog box's exact words, but the general gist).  Still, it hadn't said that in a while, at least since the 10.7.3 update (maybe something changed with that update to make backups more solid?).  In any event, I had been backing up as regularly as possible, all the while.

In the end, I found the solution to be the following (for me, in this particular case.  If presented with a similar situation, your mileage may vary & I can't comment on how to address it.):

I let it go ahead (after exploring several other options, again) with the Restore.  But then upon restart, the spinner on the grey screen still wouldn't advance to the desktop after a ridiculous amount of time that seemed to indicate it just wasn't going to get its caches in order to boot properly (again, I can't tell you when to do so, just that I have years of experience looking at various Macs and knowing after a certain while, "Well, that's just not going to boot.  Plan B, or C, or whatever we're onto now…").  So I powered down & booted back into Lion Recovery Mode to re-download & install Lion OVER the installation that had just been restored by the backup (but neither over, nor replacing, my personal data ALSO just restored from the backup).  In doing this (does it never end?!?) there was even an issue with my AppleID password, maybe because given many false starts, either Apple's servers or server personnel (or both) probably started wondering why I was downloading Lion to be installed multiple times in the same day.

Luckily, a new install of Lion on top of my old, restored personal data worked.  Oddly, it said iTunes 10.5.3 and Airport Utility 6.0 were available as new downloads once started up (which is weird, cuz they were both on there already).  And of course iPhoto had to re-sync with Photo Stream and my mailboxes had to (re-)update.  But all my content, other apps and previous settings and functionality were there.

iChat was among those.  Sitting there with its custom icon and working as it had, before the update to the Messages beta.  Given that I don't use chat on the Mac from home much, I think I'm just going to leave it sitting there until a full version of Messages for the Mac is installed by Mountain Lion.

Not that I eschew betas.  But this experience with something I didn't need, which was tough to set up, threw things out of their natural order, was impossible to remove correctly, and then which outside circumstances made it almost impossible to rectify, makes me not want to work any further with this software until I have to.

Also, I want to point out that it's not that I think Apple did a bad job with the intent of Messages for the Mac.  I look forward to how it and several other features turn out in the final version of Mountain Lion.  But for now, I'm going back to tinkering with things I have a reason to use, and which I know how to fix.  For example, when Spotlight finishes indexing my drive, I may decide that I want to just manually toss and restart that Time Machine backup…



Update (2/19/12): As soon as the machine attempted to back up to Time Machine, it told me that it needed to discard the only Time Machine backup and start it again.  Sure would have nice to have a previous heads-up of that, but at least my suspicions were corroborated.


Update 2 (3/5/12): Perhaps someone at Apple read my blog (or the same issue came up in Apple Support Communities, more likely…).  In any event, they seem to have addressed something which may be related to the Time Machine restore weirdness that I was experiencing:

I have not downloaded or installed the update yet, so I can make no claim as to how or how well it works.  But at least it's there, and hopefully it works for folks, if you've run up against Time Machine restore issues under Lion.

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