Here's a weird one I haven't seen corroboration of, on any web searches. Since (not necessarily because of) installing OS X 10.8.5 on my laptop, I have noticed that I don't seem to have any local backups, also called local snapshots, being made on my internal HD. I went into Terminal and manually entered the "sudo tmutil enablelocal" command to (successfully) turn them back on again. But, what gives? Why would they be turned off, when they've historically been on and I definitely have not manually disabled them?
As above, it is again possible that these local snapshots haven't been happening for a while, and I simply hadn't noticed their absence up to now. I've only noticed them specifically not happening since upgrading to 10.8.5. Network backups to my Time Machine drive have continued just fine. Has anyone else experienced the same issue?
As an aside, I also find it odd that within the CLI command "tmutil", there is not a specific verb argument to tell you whether local snapshots are currently enabled or disabled; you can simply enable or disable them without the chance to find out what the previous state was. I'm not asking Apple to add a big, obvious local snapshot toggle switch to the Time Machine Preference pane GUI or anything. I'm happy to use Terminal for something that shouldn't be set from (but, I should point out, also shouldn't be broken for exclusive users of) the GUI.
I just wanted to know what my previous local backup state nominally was, before forcing it to… err, "awaken" Schrödinger's cat, I guess, would be the most apt analogy here.